La histórica banda alemana de Thrash Metal, Destruction, anunció el lanzamiento de un nuevo disco que llevará por título «Birth Of Malice» o ‘El Nacimiento de la Malicia’, y simultáneamente, lanzó el sencillo «A.N.G.S.T.».

«Birth Of Malice» será presentado el próximo viernes 7 de marzo a través de su sello Napalm Records, y ya puedes ordenarlos en este enlace.

El nuevo disco de Destruction nos trae los siguientes temas:

  1. Birth of Malice
  2. Destruction
  3. Cyber Warfare
  4. No Kings-No Masters
  5. Scumbag Human Race
  6. God of Gore
  7. A.N.G.S.T.
  8. Dealer of Death
  9. Evil Never Sleeps
  10. Chains of Sorrow
  11. Greed
  12. Fast as a Shark (Accept cover)

En tanto, el sencillo «A.N.G.S.T.» fue lanzado el pasado jueves 23 a través de las plataformas musicales.

Mientras tanto, Destruction se alista a realizar dos conciertos en Grecia en las ciudades de Atenas y Tesalónica.


Life is a challenge, we are doomed to fail
We are overthinking how to prevail
The final enemy is just your inner self
Beat your own mind and no one else!

Scare, despair, and terror
Are a deadly error

ANGST – is the key,to get inside of me
ANGST – the phobia called fear, grim and severe

This is the A.N.G.S.T.

Innate worry dictates our day
Born to be scared seems the human way
We waste away time living in suspicion
When risk and change should be our mission

Scare, despair, and terror
Are a deadly error
Panic, doubt, and fright
Fight the blight!

ANGST – is the key, to get inside of me
ANGST – the phobia called fear, grim and severe


Scare tactics – the new now
We misuse the know-how
Spread doubt in minds full of hope
Numb of fear like zombies on dope

Operation angst – the puppet player
Creates a new you, layer by layer
Use time wisely – don’t get stuck
Failing is the art to not give a fuck!

We torture our soul
A lifetime with concern
Go, go change your goal
Give your life a U-turn

ANGST – is the key, to get inside of me
ANGST – don’t get caught, just a feeling, just a thought!




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